It’s exciting when a loan product can help you attract both new borrowers and real estate agent partners, which is exactly what Conventional 1% Down does. When income-qualified borrowers put 1% down, UWM pays an additional 2% toward the down payment, up to $4,000, for a total of 3% down. Not only does it help make homeownership more affordable for borrowers, it gives you a competitive edge when talking to real estate agents.
How It Helps You
Creates more opportunity to help borrowers who need it most
Helps you earn more business from real estate agents
Follows the same guidelines as Home Possible®
How It Helps Your Borrowers
Lower down payment
Get into a house sooner by reaching the down-payment savings goal faster
More money for furniture, house repairs and maintenance
Borrower Qualifications
For borrowers with income at or below 80% of the Area Median Income (AMI)
620+ FICO
30-year fixed loans with an LTV of 97%
Eligible for primary purchases only