1% Down Program With UWM Expanded

It’s exciting when a loan product can help you attract both new borrowers and real estate agent partners, which is exactly what Conventional 1% Down does. When income-qualified borrowers put 1% down, UWM pays an additional 2% toward the down payment, up to $4,000, for a total of 3% down. Not only does it help make homeownership more affordable for borrowers, it gives you a competitive edge when talking to real estate agents.

How It Helps You

  • Creates more opportunity to help borrowers who need it most

  • Helps you earn more business from real estate agents

  • Follows the same guidelines as Home Possible®

How It Helps Your Borrowers

  • Lower down payment

  • Get into a house sooner by reaching the down-payment savings goal faster

  • More money for furniture, house repairs and maintenance

Borrower Qualifications

  • For borrowers with income at or below 80% of the Area Median Income (AMI)

  • 620+ FICO

  • 30-year fixed loans with an LTV of 97%

  • Eligible for primary purchases only